The many successful operations of AMARA allow it to systematically expand its corporate social responsibility activities. We believe that conducting a business involves a duty to work for the society.

We want the initiatives of the Pharmaceutical Company AMARA to contribute to the sustainable development of local communities in the locations where our offices operate.

A growing problem of healthcare professionals is hand skin irritation caused by continuous sanitisation; that is why our company has donated to doctors from John Paul II Hospital in Krakow 500 dermocosmetics with urea from the AMADERM line. The donated cosmetic products are intended for extremely dry and irritated skin. They improve the working comfort of the doctors, who put their health at risk every day to help others. In this way AMARA has expressed its gratitude for the efforts and dedication involved in combatting the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Our business would not be possible without the resources of the natural environment. Being aware of this, we actively seek new solutions and try to optimise the ways to utilise raw materials. We are in the process of developing strategies to use modern technologies in order to increase production without any negative impact on the environment.

We want to be the best neighbor and support for the residents of the areas where our offices operate.
We ensure an increase in employment in local communities – over 300 people currently work in the Cracow manufactory and this is just the beginning of our development!

Looking to the future

We are looking for new eco-friendly product formulas and their packaging.

We are increasing the share of green energy and improving energy consumption effectiveness.

We are looking for solutions that will reduce water consumption during the production process.

We build environmental awareness among customers and employees by organizing actions promoting environmental protection.

We are planning to introduce an environmental management system at the Krakow-based pharmaceutical plant, as well as to identify significant aspects of the company’s activities, measure them and set targets in terms of the impact off our operations on the climate. We will achieve these targets by 2030.

We are monitoring the decisions of the authorities associated with the fight against climate change, and every day we are trying to introduce solutions aimed at reducing the negative impact of our operations on the environment.

Recent initiatives

A helping hand for helping hands – Due to the growing problem of irritated hand skin of health care workers, caused by continuous disinfection, our company donated 500 dermocosmetics with urea of ​​the AMADERM line to the medics of the John Paul II Specialist Hospital in Krakow. Donated cosmetic products are intended for the care of extremely dry and irritated skin. Their action improves the comfort of work of medics who risk their health every day to help others.

Buffet for bees  – The action showed that together we are able to create a new asylum for insects – a place where bees will be able to freely obtain nectar from flowers. The involvement of 10,000 of our contractors – pharmacists meant that together we created a whole hectare of a flower meadow, and this led to the production of a huge amount – as much as 40 kilograms! – honey. Without bees and insects, which are the foundation of our ecosystem, flowers would not be able to thrive, and this would threaten agricultural and natural disaster.

Support of the Rak’n’Roll Foundation – We got involved in the project of the book “50 Business Personalities. We help”, created for the Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win a life! Magdalena Bogucka, President of the Management Board of the AMARA Pharmaceutical Plant, was one of the book’s heroines. The entire amount from the sale was credited to the account of the Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win Life!, which supports our compatriots and friends from a war-torn country, as well as oncology patients. We have proved that we are not indifferent to the most important issue, which is the life and health of every human being.

#PomagamUkrainie – In solidarity with all the victims of the act of aggression against our neighbors, our company decided to support Ukraine and Ukrainians by donating the necessary medical supplies (i.e. salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, disinfectant liquid), which we produce. In this way, we expressed our support and showed that we are not indifferent to the suffering of others.

Ethics at AMARA

Ethical issues are of particular importance to us. By acting in an ethical manner, we express respect for other people, as well as a mature organizational culture. We try to disseminate our values ​​within our company and among stakeholders, business partners and our clients. Honesty, responsibility, quality and cooperation determine the directions of ZF AMARA’s activities. In order to implement them in our daily work, we create new corporate structures – internal control units, ethics management and enterprise risk management.

We are responsible for people employed in our company. In relations with employees and business partners, we adhere to the principles of work ethics and international quality standards confirmed by the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificate, in order to ensure the correct manufacturing process of the product through strict supervision of the entire production process, as well as the standards of Good Laboratory Practice (Good Laboratory Practice – GLP), which ensure high quality and credibility of research.

  • The company’s staff policy is based on accepted values, a system of professional competencies and open communication.
  • We respect the private sphere of our employees and make sure that they always have the opportunity to rest and regenerate.
  • We believe that what guarantees good relations with employees is open and meaningful communication.
  • We are committed to achieving the set objectives, which are clearly defined, measurable, achievable and rewarded.
  • We focus on the development of our company and achieving the best possible result.
  • We offer our customers a guarantee of quality, service, reliable information and technical support.
  • We give individual departments of the company a lot of freedom of action and we are eager to learn new ideas of employees – their implementation supports business development.
  • We are family-friendly, which is why we support young parents and pre-retirement workers.
  • New employees at the implementation stage receive support and help from colleagues from the department. Cooperation in our company is based on mutual trust and openness. Sharing experience allows all members of the ZF AMARA team to build lasting professional relationships and continuously improve.
  • We know that constant expansion of competences is important, which is why we care about the professional and personal development of employees through the organization of trainings, trips summarizing the achievements to date and presenting plans for the coming months, cyclically held webinars under the patronage of the President of the Supreme Medical Chamber and the Supreme Pharmaceutical Chamber, organizing trips to the largest conferences in Poland, sponsoring trips to international fairs held in Copenhagen,  Bologna and Frankfurt.

Responsibility for products

Operating in the pharmaceutical sector, we are responsible for the safety of our products, and even for the health and life of people. The most important issues for us are the quality of products and the safety of our customers.

The products we offer help to reduce the risk of spreading civilisation diseases and to developand implement individual treatment plans for patients.

We support the autonomy of therapeutic decisions made by doctors, believing that as a manufacturer of compounding substances we contribute to targeted and tailored therapies that have a direct impact on the health of each patient.

During each stage – manufacture, storage, distribution and sale of our products – we pay particular attention to their quality.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requires usto define each stage of production in such a way that all means are delivered in sufficient quantities, to the appropriate place and in due time, and are used for their intended purpose.

We are subject to periodic audits of a notified body, the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate.

We have certificates, relevant tests and certificates, as well as instructions and technical data sheets for all products in our offer – they confirm the high quality of our products, which are manufactured in a responsible and fully professional manner.

We also audit our suppliers – we always check the required documentation, production conditions and business ethics.

We provide reliable and transparent information about our products – we use user-friendly packaging and present complete information materials.

We constantly monitor the quality of products launched on the market and related marketing activities. We know that the future and development of our company depend on the trust our customers place in us. Gaining the trust and taking care of it is one of our most important tasks.

We are responsible for our products.

Dotations and sponsorship – applications

Open and meaningful communication is key for us. When considering sponsorship or donation applications, we evaluate the overall potential of the event, including its range, degree of involvement, opportunities for cooperation and impact on the communities we serve.

Let’s work together

Weronika Jakubowska
Communications Marketing and PR Manager
e-mail: w.jakubowska@amara.pl

Download the appropriate document and describe the request according to the guidelines.

We will contact you if we need additional information.

Please send the completed application to: media@amara.pl

NOTE! We will only process applications submitted on forms downloaded from our website